Total: 33 Sections

Good to do initial update and then delete.

  • Make sure to use display name and not username as usernames are based on email and look ugly.

Create a custom 404 and use this shortcode for suggestions - [abj404_solution_page_suggestions]

  • Highly configurable – redirect specific 404 URLs to any existing page.
  • Automatically create redirects based on the URL the visitor was most likely trying to visit.

Don't need lite version if you are installing pro.

- One click autoconfig is pretty good defaults.


Make sure to exclude page builder created post types.

Settings > Caching > Exceptions> Exclude Post Types


This is a good simple set it and forget it plugin for caching.

Configuration with Reseller club Business Email

If using Cloudflare DNS - Make sure proxy for SMTP CNAME is not enabled on Cloudflare.

User: actual email (no alias or forwarding emails)
Encryption: none
Port: 25
Encryption: STARTTLS
Port: 587

Actually the Post SMTP is more feature rich and will do a scan to help you with setup and has built in log system.

Good for failed delivery attempts, even if password changes, Sendgrid.

The Post SMTP is more feature rich and will do a scan to help you with setup and has built in log system.

Configuration with Reseller club Business Email

If using Cloudflare DNS - Make sure proxy for SMTP CNAME is not enabled on Cloudflare.

User: actual email (no alias or forwarding emails)
Encryption: none
Port: 25
Encryption: STARTTLS
Port: 587


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