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Meribook v6.10.0 Update - Clone Book, Chapter or Section

Gravatar Alauddin Ahmed wrote this on Sep 17 / 0 comments

Clone Feature - Meribook v6.10.0 update

As complexity in our business increases, having templates is not just a nice to have feature but a must have.  With our Clone feature - now it is much easier to create templates of your processes and reuse it. Mix the fine grain permission controls we already have and you can streamline not just internal business processes, but also how you interact with an external user.

Clone - just a section!
Clone - an entire chapter with all its sections!
Clone - an entire book with all its chapters and sections!

I can't stress how powerful this can be and how creative you can get with this functionality.

Here is an example:

Let's say you have a onboarding questionnaire - Instead of creating a pdf or word doc and emailing back and forth, you can create a template Book and clone it as needed for each client and then invite them.  Now, I know you are all saying, well I can do that in Google Doc as well - well, you know the answer already - you can't organize and content like you can in Meribook. Eg: A chapter on branding, a chapter on marketing goals etc. You get the idea.

So, without further ado - login and check out the Clone feature!

- Clone functionality
- Form buttons in CKEditor (can only be used for editing, not form submission)
- Bug fix - Chapters not displayed from the Book selected
- Other backend improvements


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ALAUDDIN AHMED WROTE this on Sep 17 There are 0 COMMENTS.

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